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Blackpool (EGNH)

Boundless Blackpool (EGNH)


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Regular price £7.99 GBP £9.59 GBP
Regular price £7.99 GBP Sale price £7.99 GBP
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€9.59 EUR¹ $10.62 USD¹ €11.5 EUR $12.74USD
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Explore the North West coast of the UK with Blackpool Airport for X-Plane 11! Once a small base for Jet2, Blackpool has since closed and reopened as a primarily GA airfield, but still sees private jet traffic as well as plenty of helicopter activity. Currently the airport handles approximately 30,000 aircraft movements per year, making it a relatively busy airfield.

This is an exciting project for the Boundless team and features details based on a site visit from summer 2021. The benefits of site visits such as these are that they can recreate the actual feel of the airport, as well as adding in as much realism as possible.

Blackpool is the perfect destination for your GA flying in X-Plane 11, or for helicopter ops over to the Irish Sea. The opportunities are limitless.


  • New ortho imagery of the airport and nearby area
  • Fully custom 4K ground textures
  • Custom airport buildings featuring 4K textures
  • Dynamic night lighting
  • Custom buildings surrounding the airport (shops, houses, warehouses etc)
  • Custom HD 3D vegetation


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  • Product Size

    Download: 1.43GB | Installed: 2.47GB

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  • Supported Simulator

    X-Plane 11

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