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Zippy Sport

Rara-Avis Sims Zippy Sport for MSFS-2020


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Ed Fisher first designed the Zippy Sport, which was officially introduced in 1983 as a participant in the Dupont/Western Flyer design contest, and was marketed through Fishercraft.

It is not the design prototype, but rather, the “proof of plans” aircraft. This “Sport Plane” was identified as an ARV, (Air Recreational Vehicle). At that time, designer, Ed Fisher flew the Zippy with a Cuyuna 430 dual carb engine, and a Winters 2:1 planetary gearbox. Over the next couple of years a full VW 1200 driving from the heavy end was fitted. Through, much of 1986, the aircraft was VW powered, while “debugging” flights took place.

Green Sky Adventures had been interested in the Zippy's development from the early stages. By 1986, the Rotax Service Center was in serious need of a test platform with a broad speed range to explore the effects of variable loads on small engines in general, and Rotax 2-strokes, in particular. A deal was struck with Ed Fisher, and by late fall of that year, Green Sky Adventures were flying a Rotax 503 powered Zippy Sport, enjoying its handling and speeds to 120 mph.

This Add-on is based on the VW variant.


  • Custom PBR textures
  • 3D propeller blur
  • Detailed 3D model
  • Uses MSFS pilots
  • 3D gauges
  • 3D wing ribs


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    Download: 521MB | Installed: 1.39GB

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  • Supported Simulator

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

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