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Victoria (CYYJ)

Roman Design Victoria (CYYJ) for MSFS-2020


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Regular price £15.59 GBP £18.71 GBP
Regular price £15.59 GBP £18.71 GBP Sale price £15.59 GBP £18.71 GBP
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€18.58 EUR¹ $20.1 USD¹ €22.29 EUR $24.12USD
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Roman Design CYYJ scenery features a beautiful terminal with interior modelling, as well as open hangars with interior modelling and parking spots, suitable for both airliner and GA operations. Runways are sloped true to life and have custom pavement and hand-painted Canadian striped markings. All models are meticulously hand-crafted based on exclusive internal sources. Custom PBR materials and detailed modelling are used throughout the area. Several static aircraft are included, and plenty of real-life and dynamically populated parking sports are there for you. The scenery includes a functional Victoria Airport Water Aerodrome seaplane terminal.
Meticulous 3D modelling and innovative features let you start your flight not only at a beautifully detailed International terminal with interior modelling, but also in any of the 6 open hangars in business aviation, GA and military areas. Victoria Flying Club was lovingly modelled fo GA fans. Many immersion-enhancing buildings and features in the area were recreated – such as the BC Aviation Museum, highway signs and advertising billboards, streetlights and much more.
Over 50 buildings were handcrafted, along with a multitude of objects and highly accurate ground markings and night lighting, to create a hyper-realistic experience for serious Flight Simulator enthusiasts. Hundreds of objects were placed throughout the airport for a realistic busy airport feel.


  • Custom high-resolution PBR materials
  • Over 50 hand-crafted airport buildings meticulously modelled for full immersion
  • Terminal building with interior modelling, tinted windows, and passengers throughout the terminal
  • ATC Tower with interior modelling
  • 6 Open hangars with interior modelling and starting spots. Interior hangar starts are designated the first numbers of the respective parking area: E Parking 1,2; SE Parking 1,2,3; SW Parking 1
  • Victoria Flying Club – detailed interior modelling, static aircraft and multiple starts


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  • Supported Simulator

    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

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